A new brand and a new concept: PKF Finconta ESG
On 19 April 2023, a double launch took place within the PKF Group: the new logo was launched and a new concept was born, PKF Finconta ESG.
The logo, which features a modern design incorporating the letters “PKF” written in bold blue, also includes a five-section icon representing the five regions of PKF’s global network.
The sections in the icon overlap, as do the ambitions and aspirations of the specialists in the company’s team, and the color palette is a vibrant one.
The new logo and the rebranding initiative represent a significant milestone for PKF Finconta, demonstrating the commitment to evolve with the changes in the business environment and stay ahead of the competition.
The company will continue to provide customers with innovative solutions and exceptional services to bring clarity to business problems through simple, effective solutions that remove obstacles to long-term development.
Also, a new concept was born, PKF Finconta ESG, part of the PKF Finconta Group, a consulting company whose aim is to support companies in the transition to a sustainable activity.
Sustainability represents one of the most widespread concepts in the financial area. In 1987, sustainable development was defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising future generations.
A more modern vision of the concept of sustainability is gaining ground in the sense of considering it as part of business management that ensures the reduction or minimization of non-financial risks: environmental, social and governance.
ESG information can be presented in an annual report, a stand-alone sustainability report or an integrated report that combines the two approaches by interlinking the company’s sustainability with its financial performance.
Companies can select the most appropriate reporting format for their needs as long as all regulatory requirements are met. Companies can select the most appropriate reporting format for their needs as long as all regulatory requirements are met.
The sustainability report allows companies to present their relevant ESG information in one specific document. This option gives companies the most flexibility in terms of report structure and content.
A welcome help in this reporting is PKF Finconta ESG, which has qualified specialists who can help you prepare your strategy and sustainability reporting.
Florentina Șușnea este Managing Partner în cadrul companiei PKF Finconta. Experiența ei profesională de peste 26 de ani cuprinde domeniile de audit statutar și IFRS, consultanță fiscală, probleme de rezidență fiscală, restructurare financiară și fiscală, documentație și politici de Transfer Pricing, fuziuni și divizări, M&A, expertize judiciare, contabile și fiscale, due diligence de achiziții. Florentina este membru acreditat al următoarelor organizații profesionale: Camera Consultantilor Fiscali, Camera Auditorilor Financiari din România, Camera Expertilor și Contabililor Autorizați din România si Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. A absolvit Facultatea Finanțe-Contabilitate din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice, București, Facultatea de Drept din cadrul Universității ”Titu Maiorescu”, programul MBA de la Tiffin University din SUA, este doctor în economie și a urmat numeroase cursuri naționale și internaționale în domeniul fiscal. florentina.susnea@pkffinconta.ro