Alina Făniță

Alina Făniță, Senior Partner

Alina Făniță

Senior Partner

Alina Făniță is the Senior Partner with PKF Finconta. She graduated from the Asebuss EMBA at Kennesaw State University and has significant professional experience auditing large groups of private companies and performing consolidated IFRS financial statements, being involved in such audits from planning to reporting on individual and consolidated financial statements.

Alina is a member of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Great Britain (ACCA), the Body of Expert Accountants and Chartered Accountants of Romania, the Chamber of Financial Auditors, and the Institute of Internal Auditors of Canada. He has worked with multinational companies and entrepreneurial companies in various fields of activity, offering financial audit services, due diligence, group restructuring, internal audit, and other services related to the internal control activity.

  • Experience in auditing and financial reporting of groups of private companies
  • Coordinates due diligence financial projects with a focus on the commercial side of the business
  • Experience in auditing accounting systems and internal controls
  • Full understanding of multinational companies, but also of entrepreneurial ones

Articles by Alina Făniță

Strategii eficiente de motivare a angajaților
Caracteristicile echipelor performante
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