How leaders can be promoters of change
The influx of advanced technologies has changed the way companies operate and interact with their customers. Economic volatility and the transformative effects of technology require organizations to be agile. Now leaders must be promoters of change.
They must always be ready to develop new products, map profit areas, and improve production capabilities.
Companies that fail to change, fail to grow, and ultimately fail to meet customer expectations, and lose competitive advantage.
Why should a leader be a promoter of change?
Managing change within an organization is no longer a temporary situation where employees are told that “we’ll get through this too”. Change should be treated as an element of business strategy.
In this regard, leaders must ensure that the changes identified, introduced and implemented make a positive difference at all levels, regardless of company hierarchies, roles or departments.
A leader who is a promoter of change believes in getting the right things done by the right people at the right time without creating additional problems.
To ensure the necessary organizational preparation for the achievement of changes, transformation and evolution demonstrates the quality of the leader as a promoter of change.
The dynamics of markets require leaders to analyze their own skills and continuously update them to ensure their relevance to the new evolved responsibilities. They lead by the example they set themselves.
What are the characteristics of change-promoting leaders?
For a leader concerned with change, people are essential. Such a leader wants his employees to grow, which requires high levels of will, dedication, responsibility and action.
He is always ready to explore better ideas, renew his thoughts, reinvent ways of working that can have the earliest maximum impact and influence. Therefore, change leaders must have:
1. Diverse knowledge
Change promoters are interested in more than their own domain. They develop their innate curiosity about other industries and business sectors and don’t want to stay stuck in their own comfort zone. Leaders of this type continue to seek information, read and interact with diverse people to gain as much knowledge and valuable information as possible to help them see what is important and identify new areas for business improvement and growth.
2. Willingness for flexibility
Leaders who are promoters of change are always reinventing themselves and their own competencies. Changes in their personal and professional lives are constant; they are open to new opportunities and learning opportunities with a totally entrepreneurial attitude. They continue to stimulate their creative instincts and their logical thinking. It connects with people to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences, behaviors and perspectives.
3. Results-driven approach
A leader who does change management makes sure to focus on professional goals and business objectives. Prioritizes daily activities based on business emergencies and requirements. It then ensures that each activity is measured against the results achieved. A leader names and embodies what is important to the company. He shows day by day how he should work and interact with employees, suppliers and customers to get what he really needs.
4. Authentic focus on relationships
A change leader knows the value of building genuine relationships with people from different walks of life. Not only does it allow them to broaden their thinking horizons, it also helps them build knowledge and connections that they can call upon when needed to accomplish a business goal. A strong network of contacts always means that the leader has more than enough experts to consult on a particular topic or issue.
In conclusion
A leader who is a promoter of change shows the courage not to choose the predictable path because he wants to discover new ideas and benefits for the betterment of the company. Great leaders who love to embrace change manage to demonstrate their credibility because they are always driven by measurable results and genuine concern for people.
Alina Făniță este CEO și Partener al PKF Finconta. A lucrat cu companii multinaționale sau firme antreprenoriale din domenii diverse de activitate, pentru a le oferi servicii de audit financiar, due diligence, restructurări de grupuri, audit intern și alte servicii conexe activității de control intern. Este membră a celor mai prestigioase asociații profesionale din domeniu: ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), CECCAR (Corpul Experților Contabili și Contabililior Autorizați din România), CAFR (Camera Auditorilor Financiari) și IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors). A absolvit EMBA Asebuss la Kennesaw State University, a fost trainer pentru cursuri IFRS și este invitată ca expert la numeroase conferințe de business.