Changing leadership paradigms
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries and shape our future, the need for wise leadership drives the paramount changing paradigm.
In a world where AI applications are expanding across fields, harnessing its predictive power requires the discernment and judgment of wise leaders.
Even though AI has immense potential, responsible management, transparency and collaboration between humans and machines are essential to building trust and maximizing its benefits.
In this context it is important to understand what transformations are occurring, including in leadership styles.
1. The emergence of AI requires changing leadership paradigms
Any discussion of artificial intelligence requires a re-evaluation of the way companies are run. Without evolving leadership practices, AI will never reach its full potential because business challenges cannot be solved by algorithms alone.
The real solutions lie in moving from leadership based on knowledge, experience and intelligence to leadership based on intelligence and wisdom.
Wise leaders not only create economic value, but also sustainable and ethical organizations. They are more than reasonable: they are responsible and do their duty to the organization with integrity because they have its long-term welfare as their objective.
In this context artificial intelligence can amplify, undermine or even destroy this value, depending on the wisdom with which it is evaluated and implemented.
At its core, wise decision-making involves broadening the contextual framework and adopting a comprehensive perspective. It means understanding and resolving contradictions, paradoxes and tensions.
Wise leaders embrace a multidimensional perspective, possess emotional maturity, and the ability to inspire and mobilize others.
Artificial intelligence can help leaders realize their organization’s aspirations, but without wisdom, it could jeopardize the future of their people.
2. Harnessing the predictive power of AI requires discernment
CEOs understand the importance of being able to predict market changes and understand the various factors that influence them.
AI already outperforms humans in identifying the contrast between patterns and background noise. Its accurate prediction abilities can improve human judgment.
However, harnessing AI involves transforming operational activities and collaborating across company boundaries to establish a digital ecosystem of connections and common practices.
Predictions must lead to strategically correct actions, with data analysis a core organizational capability to detect bottlenecks, design solutions and implementation decisions.
Running a business involves imagining innovative solutions, inspiring people and shaping the future. Wise leaders will unite human and artificial intelligence, using AI as a powerful tool to spark creativity and facilitate new solutions.
3. AI requires responsible management
If machine learning aims to mimic the human brain, it is also susceptible to biases. By operating within the limits of the data used for calibration, artificial intelligence can reduce the possibility of significant change.
Therefore, responsible leaders must monitor and manage AI, ensuring data integrity, proper data inputs, and verifiable and adaptive algorithms.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will revolutionize work, but primarily complement and enhance human capabilities.
Cognitive systems can perform specific tasks and continuously improve through feedback loops. Automation and outsourcing have reshaped the work landscape, but people will continue to play a vital role.
Collaboration between humans and intelligent machines can lead to new roles and skills, boosting productivity through digitization processes involving data analytics, robotics and automation.
While biased and emotional decision-making is specific to the human brain and has its limitations, human nature also instills in us moral principles that go beyond purely utilitarian thinking.
Managerial wisdom is crucial in addressing present challenges and shaping a conscious, purpose-driven future that machines cannot achieve on their own. Leaders bear the responsibility to maintain the long-term well-being of all ecosystems.
In conclusion
The new typology of leaders will encourage collaboration between human and artificial intelligence, transforming operations, markets, industries and the workforce by training the new skills needed in the business environment.
They will envision a future where sustainability and long-term well-being go hand in hand and guide their organizations to pursue that vision.
Alina Făniță este CEO și Partener al PKF Finconta. A lucrat cu companii multinaționale sau firme antreprenoriale din domenii diverse de activitate, pentru a le oferi servicii de audit financiar, due diligence, restructurări de grupuri, audit intern și alte servicii conexe activității de control intern. Este membră a celor mai prestigioase asociații profesionale din domeniu: ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), CECCAR (Corpul Experților Contabili și Contabililior Autorizați din România), CAFR (Camera Auditorilor Financiari) și IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors). A absolvit EMBA Asebuss la Kennesaw State University, a fost trainer pentru cursuri IFRS și este invitată ca expert la numeroase conferințe de business.