Leaders who turn volatility into opportunity
In recent years, business leaders have found themselves in the midst of volatility and what many describe as the most challenging environment they have ever encountered. The combination of unexpected shocks created an environment where uncertainty became the norm. From now on, the question is no longer whether volatility will persist, but how leaders can manage it most effectively.
Types of leaders in the face of volatility
In the face of this uncertainty, two distinct types of leaders emerge. The former takes a defensive and cautious approach, focusing on immediate threats.
These leaders emphasize scenario planning, resilience preparation, balance sheet management and inflation monitoring. Their focus is on reducing risk and keeping the business afloat during the storm, waiting for the clouds to clear before making bold moves.
Essentially, they play defense, making sure the company survives in the short term and keeping a close eye on market fluctuations. This typology, which includes a significant number of leaders, takes a wait-and-see approach as conditions evolve.
On the other hand, there is a second type of leader, one who is cautious and bold. These leaders take all necessary defensive measures to reduce risks and see volatility as an opportunity. For them, uncertainty is not just a threat, but a catalyst for innovation and progress.
These leaders revive elements of strategy that may have been neglected and capitalize on current disruptions to create new opportunities. In essence, they are both on defense and offense, preparing for the future while protecting against the present.
Resilience, the key to long-term success
Analyzes of companies’ resilience show that the best performers are ambivalent, with a cautious approach to risk management with bold, forward-looking strategies. Why? Because a strategy based only on defense leads to average performance, while a strategy based only on offense can lead to both occasional wins and catastrophic failures.
However, companies that balance both offense and defense tend to outperform their competitors. These leaders aren’t just thinking about the next quarter; they are thinking ahead to the next decade, making strategic moves that will position their companies for long-term success.
They are rethinking their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategies in light of declining valuations, reallocating resources, re-imagining their workforce in a hybrid work environment, and taking a long-term view of innovation and growth.
Advantages of successful leaders
So what sets these bold leaders apart from their more cautious counterparts? Is it their appetite for risk, their ability to balance short-term and long-term thinking, or is it something else?
As these leaders create value from volatility, they create three critical competitive advantages: information, engagement, and execution. These three elements are crucial to thriving in today’s unpredictable environment.
Advantage of information analysis
In times of volatility, having an informational advantage can make all the difference. When the future is clear, a deeper understanding can provide a competitive advantage, but when uncertainty is high, this advantage becomes crucial.
Companies that can see 10% more clearly through the fog of uncertainty are better positioned to capitalize on opportunities. To gain this advantage, it is necessary to go beyond conventional analysis and probe large data sets, diverse perspectives and global trends.
Flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions and inform become essential assets. Companies that adopt advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and predictive analytics can turn raw data into valuable insights by anticipating changes in the market and adapting in real time. This agility not only minimizes risks, but can open new horizons for growth and innovation.
The advantage of prompt action
Having the necessary information is one thing, but acting promptly and decisively is quite another. Bold leaders are distinguished not only by moving in the right direction, but also by the speed and ambition with which they do so.
Today, decisions have a short lifespan, the ability to pivot quickly in the face of change is essential. These leaders don’t wait for perfect information but act and adjust along the way.
This agility in decision-making is what allows them to successfully navigate complex and unpredictable environments. They understand that perfection is not the goal, but continuous progress. Mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and their flexibility helps them adapt quickly to new challenges.
The advantage of systematic implementation
Finally, successful leaders have an implementation edge, which allows them to quickly turn strategic decisions into reality. Speed is crucial in today’s environment. Those who can reorganize organizational departments, simplify decision-making processes and empower front-line leaders will have a significant advantage.
Companies that had already gone through agile transformations before the pandemic performed better during the crisis, adapting quickly to the changing environment. These organizations had the structures and processes to pivot when needed, giving them a clear advantage in execution.
In conclusion
In an era of volatility, leaders are tested more than ever. Some will retreat, focusing only on survival, while others will see the storm as an opportunity to innovate and grow. The best leaders are ambivalent, balancing risk management with bold strategic moves.
These leaders understand that long-term success comes not only from the ability to avoid problems, but from taking calculated risks and exploring new territories. They cultivate the resilience of company systems and the ability to see opportunities where others see only obstacles.
Instead of being paralyzed by uncertainty, these leaders mobilize their teams, inspiring them to think systemically and contribute innovative solutions, thus strengthening the future of the company.

Alina Făniță este Senior Partner la PKF Finconta. A lucrat cu companii multinaționale sau firme antreprenoriale din domenii diverse de activitate, pentru a le oferi servicii de audit financiar, due diligence, restructurări de grupuri, audit intern și alte servicii conexe activității de control intern. Este membră a celor mai prestigioase asociații profesionale din domeniu: ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), CECCAR (Corpul Experților Contabili și Contabililior Autorizați din România), CAFR (Camera Auditorilor Financiari) și IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors). A absolvit EMBA Asebuss la Kennesaw State University, a fost trainer pentru cursuri IFRS și este invitată ca expert la numeroase conferințe de business. alina.fanita@pkffinconta.ro